

A bill is a document that is a simple statement of charges or the amount owed for either goods received or services rendered by a third-party account.

1.1 On the Acceleration Cloud platform, a bill contains the following information:

  • All dates and times pertaining to the documented transaction, like the date on which it occurred, the due date for the documented amount, and the amount itself
  • Information about the vendor or supplier from whom the bill was received
  • The breakdown of the item/s purchased, viz., the line item/s; a bill will have at least one line item.

Data Model


idstringUnique Id in Accounting Software.
refnumberstringFor bill reference, this number is usually the name of bill file attachments.
datestringDefines the date at which the bill got recorded in the accounting software system.
dueDatestringThe date at which the supplier is due to be paid.
shipDatestringDate on which the goods/services are actually been shipped.
trackingNostringShipment Tracking Number of the Bill.
lineAmountTypestringType if Line Amount.
descriptionstringMessage enclosed in the bill.
statusnumberThe visible bill's status will be “active” mentioned as “1”. In case the bill is invisible from the list, its status would be inactive, which is “0”.
amountnumberThe amount that is left after paying some amount from that bill.
balancenumberThe amount that is left after paying some amount from that bill.
totalTaxnumberTax amount of bill.
currencystringCurrency of bill.
typestringCurrency of bill.
lineItemslineItem[]Array of Line Items is mentioned below.
contactcontact[]Object of contact is mentioned below.
accountaccount[]Object of account Reference. Show Model Below.
exchangeRatestringRate of exchange between bill currency and base currency.