
In a Document Vault system, file folders are organizational structures that allow users to categorize and manage their documents more efficiently. Each file folder can contain one or more documents, helping users maintain a structured and logical arrangement of their files.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Organizational Hierarchy: File folders create a hierarchical structure that mirrors real-world organizational needs. Users can create parent folders and subfolders to represent different levels of categorization.
  • Document Grouping: Users can place multiple documents into a single folder, making it easier to locate and manage related files. This helps maintain order and streamline document retrieval.
  • Access Control: File folders often inherit access controls from their parent folders. This means that permissions applied at the folder level can automatically apply to the documents within, ensuring consistent security measures.
  • Collaboration: Folders enable collaborative efforts by allowing multiple users to access and work on documents within the same folder. This promotes teamwork and centralized document management.
  • Search and Retrieval: Organized file folders improve search and retrieval efficiency. Users can narrow down their search to specific folders, reducing the time it takes to locate the desired document.

Create a folder

API Request

POST /api/v1/cores/document-vault/records/{userId}/folder HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==

Data Model

userIdstringpath parameterrequired
pathstringquery parameterrequired
namestringquery parameterrequired

Move a folder

API Request

POST /api/v1/cores/document-vault/records/{userId}/folder/move HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==

Data Model

userIdstringpath parameterrequired
pathstringquery parameterrequired
newPathstringtarget new path where folder locatesrequired

Download folders

You can download multiple folders and files in the folders

API Request

POST /api/v1/cores/document-vault/records/{userId}/folder/download HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==

Data Model

userIdstringpath parameterrequired
pathsstring arrayquery parameterrequired
namestringquery parameterrequired

Delete folder

API Request

Delete /api/v1/cores/document-vault/records/folders/delete HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==

Data Model

pathsstring arrayquery parameterrequired
userIdstringquery parameterrequired


Folder Delete Warning

Delete a folder from the vault. Please note that when a folder is deleted, all its associated files and file versions will also be permanently removed.