Deposit Transaction Status
The pending deposit is being reviewed by the bank or financial institution, etc. to check whether the depoist information is in agreement with the record of the bank or financial institution and the compliance standards.
The pending deposit will be canceled if it is not in agreement with the compliance standards of the bank or financial institution, etc., and therefore is rejected by the reviewer. Its status will be changed to Canceled.
The deposit in processing dose not pass the specific check due to non-compliance or its incorrect deposit information offered, and therefore is disapproved by the bank or financial institution, etc. The deposit will fail and its status will be changed to Failed.
If the deposit in processing is in agreement with the compliance standards and the deposit information is correctly offered, and moreover, the deposit has passed the specific check by the bank or financial institution, etc., the deposit will be completed and its status will be changed to Completed.
Updated about 2 years ago