
API Response

HTTP Status Code Vs Platform Status Code

The AccelerationCloud API does not use standard HTTP response codes.
We want to simplify developers' response handling logic, and response model and totally differentiate the response code from the network and platform. In standard HTTP Code, codes in the 2xx response is successful, a 4xx means that there was an error with the data provided (like an invalid routing number). These errors can sometimes be handled programmatically by your application when we provide an error reason. A 5xx error means we encountered an error in our software, which we will work to fix immediately.
AccelerationCloud platform will handle all the 4xx and 5xx error codes. In this case, we will respond 2xx in the HTTP status code and provide the unified error model to developers.

API Result Model

Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 600,
    "errorMessage": "Request method 'GET' not supported",
    "error": null,
    "data": null

API Example

codeStatus of API Call Response200
dataData response from the specific API endpoint{"name":"Alex"}
errorDetailed information from the error message{"name":"Id invalid"}
errorMessageThe API call failed to respond"Id invalid"

Successful Request Codes

The Acceleration Cloud API returns HTTP response codes to clarify the status of each API request.

Successful codes

200Successful GET or PATCH or POST or DELETE request
201Successful create a new resource

Unsuccessful Request Codes

A failed request to the Acceleration Cloud API will result in one of the following status codes. Please review the "errorMessage" field in the error response for additional information about a particular failed request.

Unsuccessful Codes

400Bad Requestauthentication failedCheck the bearer token you used
401Unauthorizedauthentication header missingMissing bearer token when calling API
402Parameter Invalidinvalid request parameterCheck parameter value or type
403ForbiddenUser lacks required permission(s)Check that the user has API permission and Application Permissions or has authorized the required OAuth scope required for the particular URL.
404Not FoundIncorrect URL or IDCheck that the ID is correct and the user has permission to access it.
405Method Not AllowedUnsupported HTTP methodGenerally, only GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE are supported.
409ConflictAction would result in an invalid data stateCheck that the "type" field matches that of the URL.
410GoneThe resource was available but has expiredTry making another request to the Jobs API
415Unsupported Media TypeInvalid Content-Type headerAttach "Content-Type" header "application/vnd.api+json".
429Too Many RequestsThe request rate limit has been exceededCheck the "X-RateLimit-Retry-After" header for the number of seconds until the next request can be made.
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected error occurredPlease contact Support if you see this.
505Internal Server ErrorIntegrity violationPlease contact Support if you see this.
506Internal Server ErrorVisibility violationPlease contact Support if you see this.