
Fee Schedule

It refers to the specific amount to be charged by the bank or financial institution for each service offered.

Transaction fee refers to the fees incurred in each transaction and has different fee schedule options based on the transfer type and amount range.


This API provides information about the fee schedule associated with ACH transfers and wire transfers.


Authentication is required to access this API. You'll need to provide an API key/token in the request headers.

API Endpoint

The cancel payment API endpoint is:
GET /fees/achRetrieve ACH fee schedule information
GET /fees/wireRetrieve wire transfer fee schedule information

HTTP Method

Use the HTTP GET method to initiate a cancel payment request.

Request Headers

Include the following headers in your API request:

Authorization: Provide your API key/token for authentication.
Content-Type: Set this to application/json to indicate the request body format.

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following fields:

Example request body:

  "payeeId": "123456789",
  "payeeBankId": "ACG123"
  "payerId": "22311AC",
  "transferType": "EFT",
  "amount": "123.55",
  "memo": "This is the same day ACH Payment"

Response Format

The response will be in JSON format and will include information about the cancellation request status.

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "fee_type": "standard",
      "fee_amount": 2.00,
      "description": "ACH Credit Transfer - Standard Fee"
      "fee_type": "express",
      "fee_amount": 5.00,
      "description": "ACH Debit Transfer - Express Fee"

Error Handling

In case of errors, the response will include error information, such as error codes and messages. Refer to the Error Handling section in the Developer Portal for details on error codes and their meanings.

  "status": "error",
  "error_code": "400",
  "message": "Invalid request"

Rate Limits

The API has rate limits to prevent abuse