
Open Account

New account creation

This guide describes the procedure for creating a new account using the Create Account endpoint in AccelerationCloud. With these endpoints, you can optionally create multiple accounts and deposit funds into the account at the same time that you create the new account.



When creating an account for a new customer you must perform KYC. Consult the Customer Compliance Check (KYC) guide for instructions. You should also read the About Accounts guide to familiarize yourself with AccelerationCloud account structure and conventions.

Follow this procedure to:

  1. Choose the specific account record type you want, and use Create Account API.
  2. Utilize the supported service type API to choose the target financial account type.
  3. Use Create Financial Account API to open a service account.
  4. Upload supplemental document to Austin Capital for review.

Result of Open Account

When the Create Account flow has run successfully, these new items are created in the Austin Capital core. See New account creation in the About Accounts guide for details.

  • Account record β€” Referenced from the customer record of the primary account. However, the customer ID and ID type fields are not referenced, because Add Account does not perform CIP.
  • Contact record β€” Contact contains all personal information associated with an account, we performed KYC compliance check automatically.
  • Financial Account record β€” It represents a specific service account you want to open
  • Sub Account record β€” It is the real transactional account, all of the transactions and funding will associate with su account.