
Sales Tax Service

It helps businesses and organizations to automate the process of calculating, collecting, and remitting sales tax for their products or services

U.S. Sales Tax

Acceleration Cloud offers a developer API and an online look-up service for sales tax data. By providing as little as a zip code, we can determine the sales tax rates for your customers in their specific geographical area. In most states, the calculation of sales tax and the information changes many times throughout the year, and AccelerationCloud is dedicated to providing you with the critical up-to-date information you need so you can focus on the important parts of your business

How does it work

When you integreate API, you could submit geographic information such as address or city, state, and zip code from your application or website. This data is used determine the correct sales tax information matching the provided location. Our service then returns that information to your application or website. Your application uses the returned data to apply the correct sales tax rates to your customer transaction in real-time.

Sample API Request
curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: */*'

Sample API Response
  "version": "v40",
  "rCode": 100,
  "results": [
      "geoPostalCode": "90264",
      "geoCity": "MALIBU",
      "geoCounty": "LOS ANGELES",
      "geoState": "CA",
      "taxSales": 0.095,
      "taxUse": 0.095,
      "txbService": "N",
      "txbFreight": "N",
      "stateSalesTax": 0.06,
      "stateUseTax": 0.06,
      "citySalesTax": 0,
      "cityUseTax": 0,
      "cityTaxCode": "",
      "countySalesTax": 0.0025,
      "countyUseTax": 0.0025,
      "countyTaxCode": "19",
      "districtSalesTax": 0.0325,
      "districtUseTax": 0.0325,
      "district1Code": "218",
      "district1SalesTax": 0,
      "district1UseTax": 0,
      "district2Code": "594",
      "district2SalesTax": 0.0225,
      "district2UseTax": 0.0225,
      "district3Code": "",
      "district3SalesTax": 0,
      "district3UseTax": 0,
      "district4Code": "19",
      "district4SalesTax": 0.01,
      "district4UseTax": 0.01,
      "district5Code": "",
      "district5SalesTax": 0,
      "district5UseTax": 0,
      "originDestination": "D"

Data Model
geoPostalCodeRequested postal code
taxSalesTotal sales tax
taxUseTotal use tax
txbServiceTaxable service (values: null,Y,N,L)
txbFreightTaxable freight (values: null,Y,N)
stateSalesTaxPortion of total sales tax from the state level
stateUseTaxPortion of total use tax from the state level
citySalesTaxPortion of total sales tax from the city level
cityUseTaxPortion of total use tax from the city level
cityTaxCodeApplicable city tax code
countySalesTaxPortion of total sales tax from the county level
countyUseTaxPortion of total use tax from the county level
countyTaxCodeApplicable county tax code
districtSalesTaxPortion of total sales tax from the district level
districtUseTaxPortion of total use tax from the district level
originDestinationLocation where a sale is taxed origin/destination (values: null,D,O)